The maturity model can be customized and extended by adding maturity indicators and attributes appropriate for the industry or organization. 成熟度模型可以被定义和扩展,方法是添加适用于某个行业和组织的成熟度指示器和属性。
The conception of "extended enterprise" came into being with the development of IT and the maturity of the supply chain. 信息技术的发展,供应链理论的成熟,使延伸型企业的概念浮出水面。
Long-term debt is debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year. 指初始到期日或宽限期在一年以上的债务。
In the planting mode characterized by furrows and ridges, the various parameters of the flag leaves were high while the efficiency of protein turnover was low, which led to extended growth and delayed maturity, and thus was not conducive to protein turnover and then yield formation. 垄沟栽培模式的旗叶各指标含量较高,但其蛋白质周转效率低,导致贪青晚熟不利于蛋白质周转,从而影响产量的形成。